Misc PGP utilities
- Baby_PGP.cc
This is tiny, tiny example code I wrote that explains in a simple (really
simple) way how pgp encryption works. Good for learning.
Requires an
Integer Class for the GMP
- PGPView
This spits out all the information that is hidden in the pubring.pgp and
secring.pgp files, including user id's, public exponents, as well as the
public modulus, N, that will allow you to decode the secret
messages, provided, of course, you can factor it.
- PGP_Calc.cc
With this code, you enter in P and Q (the two
factors of the public modulus, N) and it spits out all the
other required numbers that are needed when decoding PGP encrypted
messages (like the secret exponent, D, for example.)
Requires an Integer Class for the GMP
- PGP_Write.cc
PGPWrite.cc allows you to create custom PGP packets, such as secring.pgp
files to decode public encrypted files, as well as most other common PGP
type packets.
Requires an Integer
Class for the GMP library
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Paul Herman
Last Updated: Nov 03, 1997