Current Projects
I'm kinda interested in chaos (hee, hee) and computer models of
particle dynamics. I also diddled with unix programs, as I was a
math student, but I'll allways be a mac guy at heart. Great computers
and pretty good OS, as well. Anyway, here is some code that I've written:
- Integer Factorization
Ami Fischman and I
have been futzing around with some factoring algorithms ever since we both
gave seminar lectures on Eliptical Curves. If you are interested in this
sort of stuff, check out my factoring
home page!
- tcpstat
tcpstat reports certain network interface statistics much like vmstat(8)
does for system statistics. tcpstat gets its information by either
monitoring a specific interface, or by reading previously saved tcpdump(1)
data from a file.
- tripwire
tripwire became opensource, but still is missing some things. I've put
together a patchset which includes some new features, and support for
other OSes.
- vmstatd (work in progress, not yet available)
vmstatd is a dæmon which collects system stats like vmstat(8) does,
and stores the information in a MySQL
- dsp (work in progress, not yet available)
dsp started out as a project for the Mac (it's done if you are interested
in compiling the code in CodeWarrior...) which I decided to port to unix.
dsp is a graphical signal processing tool, which lets you edit audio files
based on common advanced DSP algorythms like
- IIR Filtering
(Butterworth, Chebychev, Elliptical, Bessel, etc...)
- FIR Filtering
(Rectangle, Triangle, Hamm, Hamming, Blackman, Kaiser, etc...)
- Phase, Flange, Compression (single and multiband), Exiter
- Many others.
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Paul Herman
Last Updated: May 24, 2001