This algorithm was written by Peter W. Shor (AT&T Bell Labs) in 1994,
intending its use for quantum computers. This algorithm doesn't work very
well on "normal" computers, and is only here for illustrative purposes.
Not exactly sure. I do know that calculating the size of a multiplicative
group (mod N) requires knowing the Euler totient function, and
that is equivalent to knowing the prime factorization of N.
More later, as soon as I find out.
- Choose a number, N, you wish to factor
- Choose a number, a, say a = 2
- Use division algorithm to see if a is a factor of N
- YES? - You found a factor, you are done
- NO? - Continue to step 4
- Calculate the order, r, of the group <a> mod N
- You can do this by looking at the sequence:
- [1, a, a^2, a^3, ...] mod N
- This sequence will repeat.
- The order, r, is the length of one repitition.
- Let t = a^(r/2) mod N
- Check to see if either t+1 or t-1 are factors of N
- YES? - You found a factor, you are done
- NO? - Choose the next a, and go back to step 3
Right now, I have no idea why this works, but I do know that it
is equally as slow as the primitive method: The runtime grows
exponentialy with the number of digits in N. Why
bother with this algortihm? It apparently runs very quickly on Quantum
Computers, a theoretical model of a new type of processing.
- Theoretical Runtime:
- O( exp( # of digits in N) )
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Paul Herman
Last Updated: May 23, 1997