This is what you did in 1st grade... Theoretical runtime: O(exp(#of digits in n)) - not good
| A tweaked around version of Fermat's Method. Theoretical runtime: O( unknown )
| Uses group theory... Theo. runtime: O(exp(#of digits in n)) - also, not good
| No clue on this one... yet... Theo. runtime: unknown
| No clue on this one... yet... Theo. runtime: unknown
| Based on 'Fermats Little Theorem' Theo. runtime: O(q) (where q is largest factor of p-1) - "eh"
| Simple and very effective algorithm Theo. runtime: O(sqrt(p)) - not bad
| Theo. runtime: O( exp(sqrt(2*ln(n)*ln(ln(n))) )
| Theo. runtime: sub exponential
| You should understand this if you want to understand Dixon's alg. Theoretical runtime: O(exp(#of digits in n)) - not good
| You need to understand this if you want to understand MPQS or NFS. Theo. runtime: sub exponential
| A supped up, hod rodded version of Dixon's algorithm... Theo. runtime: same as eliptic curve
| The hot algorithm of the 90's... Theo. runtime: O(exp(c*(ln(n)^1/3*ln(ln(n)^2/3))) - darn good
| Used to be hip, now just a relic. Theo. runtime: O( exp(sqrt( ln(n)*ln(ln(n)) )) ) - good
| Theo. runtime: sub exponential
| Theo. runtime: sub exponential
| |